Malování do vzduchu (Painting in the Air), 1965, Radek Pilař (Foto: Národní filmový archiv)
Zákon času (The Law of Time), 2023, Adéla Babanová (Foto: Národní filmový archiv)
Barvy (Colors), 1984, Radek Pilař (Foto: Národní filmový archiv)
Sběratel (Collector), 2003, Michal Pěchouček (Foto: Národní filmový archiv)

Films You Cannot See Elsewhere

The Amos Vogel Atlas 19
A Visit from the Prague Videoarchiv

January 29, 2025

To mark the occasion of the new publication Mapping the Moving Image, we will be visited by the book's editors, who will present a selection of short films from the collection of the Videoarchiv at the Národni filmový archiv in Prague.
Documentation, archiving, and access to audiovisual works outside the context of a cinema require long-term, sustainable strategies. This is primarily a matter of digitization and digital preservation of works that were originally made using a broad spectrum of analog, digital, professional, and amateur formats which are now a technical challenge to reproduce.
The goal of the publication is the critical evaluation of moving image practices in the Czech art world from the 1970s to the present and it delivers an analysis of every relevant position in the debate over autonomy. Contributions by authors with backgrounds in art history and film scholarship as well as the perspectives of archivists and curators are combined into a coherent volume which completes a picture of the history of moving image practices that has been fragmentary until now. (Sylva Poláková, Martin Mazanec / Translation: Ted Fendt)

With Sylva PolákováMartin Mazanec, and Adéla Babanová in attendance
In collaboration with the Czech Center Vienna
Martin Mazanec, Sylva Poláková (ed.), Mapping the Moving Image. Media, Agents, and Sites in the Czech Context. Národní filmový archiv, Prague/Spector Books, Leipzig, 2024.

Amos Vogel (1921–2012), an Austrian-born Jew, became one of the most important figures in international film culture after his emigration to the United States. The Amos Vogel Atlas is a series dedicated continuing Vogel's oppositional legacy alongside the study of his literary estate, which is deposited in the Film Museum. Rarities from the collection represent key focal points.
Related materials
For each series, films are listed in screening order.
Running time: 70 min
Wed, 29.01.2025 18:00
With Sylva Poláková and Martin Mazanec in attendance
Running time: 76 min
Wed, 29.01.2025 20:30
With Sylva Poláková, Martin Mazanec, and Adéla Babanová in attendance