Im Photoatelier, 1932, Karl Valentin

Valentin. Marx
Films by Karl Valentin and the Marx Brothers

December 26 to 30, 2006


The Film Museum's annual Marx-Brothers-Festival at the end of the year is being juxtaposed this December with the films of the sole German film comedian of international stature, who, just like the Marx Brothers, is also one of the "good spirits" of our institution: the Bavarian folk actor Karl Valentin.


The selection of 17 magnificent short films ranges from Bertolt Brecht's early film with Valentin, Mysterien eines Frisiersalons/The Mysteries of a Hairdresser's Shop (1923) to the notorious 1930s classics with Valentin and Liesl Karlstadt, such as Orchesterprobe/The Orchestra Rehearsal, Es knallt, and Im Photoatelier/The Photographer's Studio.