Der Bomberpilot | Nel Regno di Napoli

Werner Schroeter
Price: EUR 29,95
Price for supporting members*: EUR 23,90

The 2-disc DVD set presents new restored versions of two rare classics by Werner Schroeter connecting private stories with history: Der Bomberpilot tells the story of three eccentric women in Germany during the Nazi period who try to become show stars in America after the war. Nel Regno di Napoli is a chronicle of post-war Italy told from the perspective of a Neapolitan family. Additional features are an interview with Werner Schroeter by Gérard Courant, a video showing Werner Schroeter in a talk with the audience at the Austrian Film Museum, and stills from the shooting of Nel Regno di Napoli by Digne M. Markovicz.


"Two strange, indeed bizarre, utterly disturbing and intoxicating works from the far ends of the spectrum of German filmmaker Werner Schroeter's filmography, 1970's experimental/avant-garde Der Bomberpilot and 1978's nominally narrative/dramatic Nel Regno di Napoli are essential additions to the DVD libraries of any and all New German Cinema aficionados." (DVD Talk)


Edition Filmmuseum 61

1st edition: 2013
Edited by: Filmmuseum München, Austrian Film Museum and Goethe-Institut München

DVD 1: Der Bomberpilot (1970, Werner Schroeter) 65 min | Vivre à Naples et mourir (1978, Gérard Courant) 87 min, with Werner Schroeter, Jean-Claude Moireau, Gérard Courant

DVD 2: Nel Regno di Napoli (1978, Werner Schroeter) 130 min | Werner Schroeter at the Austrian Film Museum (1978) 16 min, with Werner Schroeter and Peter Konlechner


Language: German, English, Italian
Subtitles: German, English, French, Italien
All Regions, 4:3 PAL
16 page trilingual booklet with texts and essays by Werner Schroeter, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Wolf Wondratschek, Bradford Nordeen, and Gérard Courant (some parts in German, in English, and in French)
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