Take Off, 1974, Susan Mogul

Susan Mogul: Program 1

Dressing Up US, 1973, DCP, sw, 7 min. Englisch
Take Off US, 1974, DCP, sw, 10 min. Englisch
Susan Mogul's Woman's Building US, 2010, DCP, Farbe, 9 min. Englisch
Everyday Echo Street: A Summer Diary
US, 1993, DCP, Farbe, 32 min. Englisch
Sing, O Barren Woman US, 2000, DCP, Farbe, 11 min. Englisch
Mom's Move US, 2018, DCP, Farbe und sw, 25 min. Englisch
Driving Men [Trailer] US, 2008, DCP, Farbe, 1 min. Englisch
What should I wear today? What happens if I sit in front of the camera with a dildo in my hand? Dressing Up and Take Off provide funny answers to these questions. Susan Mogul's Woman's Building is a look back at one of the most important spaces for women in the United States, a place whose primary concerns included self-determination, occupying space, (re)adjusting art history (from which women had been written out and often not even included), and consciousness-raising. Mogul's neighborhood in the Echo Street/L.A. area – her 'hood' – is the setting for Everyday Echo Street: A Summer Diary, a flirtation film. The program is rounded out by a compilation of interviews with women who decided not to have children, staged as a medley (Sing, O Barren Women) and a film about her 88-year-old mother's move, which becomes a walk down memory lane about her and her work as a photographer (Mom's Move). (D.S.)
Susan Mogul in conversation with Claudia Slanar (in English)

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