

Fünfzig Objekte: Filmgeschichten aus der Sammlung des Österreichischen Filmmuseums
Price: EUR 20,00
Price for supporting members*: EUR 16,00

A collection is more than the sum of its parts. And new objects do more than simply enrich a collection, they also change the way it is being interpreted. This book considers the holdings of the Austrian Film Museum by rigorously selecting and describing 50 items – artworks, historical documents and film-related objects. While representing a rough timeline, from the pre-cinematic moving image arts to pixelized film grain, these 50 artifacts also suggest a non-dogmatic reading of film history. They trace a material culture deeply entangled with the history of the 20th century, veering away from the reductive idea of cinematic "Glamour" that is so often associated with movie memorabilia. The images and texts describe a territory where private lives and politics, art and terror, famous and marginalized films, desired and despised objects, all engage in conversation with each other.


The Austrian Film Museum at Fifty, Vol. 3

Fünfzig Objekte: Filmgeschichten aus der Sammlung 

des Österreichischen Filmmuseums
Edited by Paolo Caneppele und Alexander Horwath

FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen Vol. 22

Vienna 2014, 192 pages, 180 color illustrations. In German.

ISBN 978-3-901644-56-6
Table of Contents - Kollektion (PDF)


All publications produced by the Austrian Film Museum are distributed internationally by Columbia University Press  

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