Work|s in Progress
Digital Film Restoration Within Archives
Price: EUR 25,00
Price for supporting members*: EUR 20,00
Price for supporting members*: EUR 20,00
Digital technology has revolutionised the art of film restoration, offering seemingly limitless possibilities to revitalise and rediffuse aging or endangered films. Yet this digital revolution has also presented film archives with a host of new challenges in their ongoing task of safeguarding the audiovisual cultural heritage in the 21st century. Featuring 17 essays by a number of leading international experts, Work|s in Progress engages freshly with both the theoretical principles and practical implementations of digital technology within the fields of audiovisual archiving and film restoration. Including case studies on restorations such as Metropolis, Das Einküchenhaus, American Dreams (Lost and Found), Der lebende Leichnam.
Contributors include Paolo Cherchi Usai, Thomas C. Christensen, Anna Dobringer, Giovanna Fossati, Alexander Horwath, Martin Koerber, Reto Kromer, Matteo Lepore, Simona Monizza, Adriana Noviello, Peter Schallauer, Raoul Schmidt, Silvester Stöger, Fumiko Tsuneishi, David Walsh, Anke Wilkening, Nikolaus Wostry, and Karl Wratschko.
Work|s in Progress
Digital Film Restoration Within Archives
Edited by Kerstin Parth, Oliver Hanley, Thomas Ballhausen
Vienna 2013, 176 pages. In English
ISBN: 978-3-901644-51-1
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