
Share That Knowledge!

A Road Map for Sharing Knowledge across Generations of Audiovisual Archivists
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This book is the result of a four-year research project into the methods and strategies of sharing knowledge within audiovisual archives, which was initiated by the Austrian Film Museum and the Slovenian Cinematheque, joined by colleagues from 11 other audiovisual archives, and supported by the Austrian government and FIAF.
The goal of Share that Knowledge! was to find better strategies for sharing knowledge within our profession of audiovisual preservation. The final publication, a "road map", focuses on finding the right methods for transferring knowledge and skills that are at risk of being lost (organizational, technical, preservation, and collection knowledge), the situations and scenarios that need our attention when it comes to knowledge transfer (starting a job, leaving a job, during daily work, and when knowledge has left), as well as successful practices that we found in the examples of the colleagues we interviewed.

Edited by Janneke van Dalen and Nadja Šičarov
FIAF/Austrian Film Museum, 2023. 175 pages 
ISBN: 9780906973837
The book is available to everyone as a free, downloadable PDF.
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