Ascenseur pour l'échafaud, 1958, Louis Malle

Watch Your Language

Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (Fahrstuhl zum Schafott)

Louis Malle (FR 1958)

Age 16 plus
Crime flic, love story and snap-shot of the society of its time. In cool and distant images Louis Malle is telling the story of a romantic couple whose faiths are connected by the mutual desire to escape the rigid structures of their lives. Paris at night, dominated by soldiers in bars, policemen and conversations about arms trafficking and the war in Indochina. Amidst all that: Jeanne Moreau, whispering the name of her lover who after murdering her husband didn't show up as planned. In the end the image of the lovers remains ending all hopes. And above all that the melancholic trumpet of Miles Davis.

Screening (D: Louis Malle, 91 min) in original French language with German subtitles

On demand a moderated discussion after the screening is possible.