Ich gelobe, 1994, Wolfgang Murnberger


Ich gelobe (I solemnly swear...)

AT 1994

Age 15 plus
Ich gelobe (I solemnly swear...) is Wolfgang Murnberger's second feature and like his first one Himmel oder Hölle (Heaven or Hell) an autobiographical tale. His filmic Alter Ego (Wolfi turned to Berger) is serving his mandatory military year. Sexuality, Love, Catholicism are omnipresent, teenage-angst, nights in the disco, conflicts with companions, superiors, parents and girls are engraved into this time. Berger sees the world through the filter of cinema, and unleases his creativity and longings in the smallest possible space: on "one squaremeter freedom". Between heaven and hell a way has to be found which one solemnly swears to follow.
The screening (110 min) is followed by a discussion with director Wolfgang Murnberger.