Trains of Thoughts, 2012, Timo Novotny

In the Studio of ...

Timo Novotny

Age 15 plus
The work of Timo Novotny is best to be understood as circling around the relationship between music and image. Ever since his first film in the context of Vienna's techno movement he has been exploring new forms of interaction between musical and visual rhythms, may that be in music videos, live-performances, found footage of with material he shot himself. "In the Studio of..." gives an overview of these different forms and gives an insight into how image and sound interact to form a whole.

Timo Novotny, born 1973 in Böblingen, Germany, first worked on music videos in the 1990's, before creating Life in Loops, his first work for cinema, in 2006 and Trains of Thoughts in 2012. He is currently working on a number of film projects.