Wolfgang Widerhofer © Philipp Horak

In the Studio of ...

Wolfgang Widerhofer

Age 15 plus
"Experience hast told me that with every film I always have to start from scratch with understanding". One can recognize that editor Wolfgang Widerhofer tends to find new ways to construct and new paths to follow with each film that he edits. His job is to make sure every details is where it should be and at the same time not to forget about the overall arc. "In the Studio of..." will try to make his work visible by presenting excerpts from Widerhofers film and discussing them with him.

Wolfgang Widerhofer, born 1971 in Braunau/inn is a film editor and producer. He has collaborated with Nikolaus Geyrhalter for more than 20 years and is one of the directors of Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion wheren he has worked on a variety of documentaries and feature films. Teaches film at the Film Academy of Amsterdam and the Film Academy Vienna.