The Royal Tennenbaums, 2001, Wes Anderson

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The Royal Tenenbaums

Wes Anderson (US 2001)

Age 14 plus
The Addams Family, the Bundys, the Simpsons – lovely families, all of them, but weird as well. Wes Anderson's (Rushmore, The Darjeeling Limited) Tennenbaums are also one of their own kind and something special – at least they were. Father Royal and mother Etheline used to be the parents of three geniuses: the daughter a sensational young playwright, the sons gifted in the fields of finance and tennis respectively. Much of the former glory has faded. Meanwhile the kids are not only adults but psychic wrecks, dealing with bonding problems and creative blocks. So one day all of them end up in the parents' house once again where they have another chance to create what American families are supposed to be: a haven of peace, love and warmth we call an ordinary family.

Screening (D: Wes Anderson, 110 min) in original version with German subtitles